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Every pupil is expected to be punctual and regular at all classes and school functions.

  1. Every pupil is expected to be present when the school reopens after the vacation or when the new session commences. If a pupil is absent on the first three working days his/her name shall be struck off the rolls. In cases of emergency, parents are requested to in form the principal in advance, in writing.

  2. Participation and attendance in the National festivals, like Independence Day and republic day is a must. Every pupil must take part in school games and other activities unless declared physically unfit by a medical certificate or exempted by the principal.

  3. Irregular attendance, neglect of work, habitual lack of interest in school work, stealing, misconduct even outside the school premises, willful, repeated breaches of school regulations are sufficient reasons which make him/her liable to disciplinary action.

  4. Minimum attendance for the final examination is 80% of the total attendance of the academic session including the attendance in the previous school, if the pupil is admitted on transfer. Any pupil falling short of the required attendance will not be granted promotion to the next class. Medical certificates are no guarantee for consideration in promotion.

  5. A leave note should follow every absence from school and parents/guardians should also briefly note in the diary the duration of and the reason for the absence. Those who fail to comply with this rule may not be allowed to join classes.

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